
Cabernet, Bordeaux, Burgundy

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 3:30 AM

Happy Tuesday! 

For those of you that are wrapping up celebrating Hannukah,   
may you be blessed with gifts of love, peace, and happiness!

For those of you who will be celebrating Christmas, only 5 shopping days left!! 
Although exchanging gifts is always a fun part of the holiday season, my favorite part is getting together with family and friends all season long. 

This past weekend started off with a bang! One of my best girlfriends came up from NY for a visit with her family and our other friend who lives locally came over for a holiday celebration. It has been so long since the three of us have been together, it was a blast. Saturday was filled with shopping, hair cuts and play dates and at night, Nolan, myself, my sister-in-law, niece and mom headed out to dinner and to see our friend's daughter perform in the Nutcracker.  It was Nolan's first experience with the Nutcracker.  He had lots of questions, one being "are they ever going to talk?".  To that I LOL'd, I just assumed everyone knows there is no talking in ballet.   

Our Sunday plan was basketball, more Christmas shopping and then off to my nephews 6th Birthday. 
Unfortunately after basketball our plans unraveled because Nolan complained (which he never does) of a headache and sore throat.  Well, we made it to my nephews party... for about 25 minutes before we had to head back home when the stomach bug hit in full force. From 5:45 - 10:30 Nolan slept on the bathroom floor, my poor baby.  The silver lining was with my back against the shower and feet up on the vanity I watched about 4 episodes of the Netflix series The Crown.  Of course I woke up yesterday with a cold, I do not have time for this!!

On to today's look.
The great thing about burgundy, bordeaux or whatever you like to call it, it works for many occasions. This simple shift can work for Christmas, NYE or even Valentines day.
It has been absolutely freezing and super windy, so I apologize for my head position in so many of these photos, I kept flipping my hair to get it out of my mouth and unstuck from my gloss.

Tonight I need to make confections for co-worker and teacher gifts...
What are some simple gifts you love to give or receive?

xx, Elise

dress ON SALE for $15/ coat splurge vs save (and vegan friendly) / boots splurge vs. save  /
earrings / necklace 

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  1. GAAAAAAAAA this coat!!!!! DEAD. I love it, i love it! How do I not own a leopard coat yet?? Checking out your links now...



  2. That jacket is just beautiful! The burgundy dress really goes so well with it. I hope Nolan is feeling better and you are holding up okay. Hang in there!


  3. Wind can definitely make taking photos hard! I love getting something I can use, a travel mug or water bottle.

  4. I hope Nolan is feeling better! I ended up with an ear infection on Sunday and I felt like the biggest baby. This look is so pretty on you and love the animal print jacket. I feel like the wind is never on my side for taking pics but you make these look good! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  5. I love that pretty Cabernet color - it really pops with your leopard coat! I hope Nolan feels better soon & you can fight off that yucky bug! It's no fun to be sick!

  6. Oh, I love that leopard print coat! It goes great with your OTK boots and burgundy dress! Merry Christmas!

  7. So sorry to hear he got so sick. :( This is such a great combo. Love the velvet and burgundy!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  8. I always say wind is not my friend! But oh how a leopard coat is! LOVE this outfit to pieces! Have a festive day gorgeous friend!

  9. I am so sorry to hear Nolan wasn't feeling well! That cracks me up about what he said about the Nutcracker! I absolutely adore that fabulous leopard coat! You look amazing girl!

  10. So pretty here, lady- I love you in the color! Burgundy is such a killer winter/holiday hue!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  11. Your jewelry pieces are stunning! Burgundy and leopard is one of my favorite combos! <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. I hope Nolan is feeling better!

    you look stunning, love this ootd beautiful xx


  13. Sounds like a busy weekend, I hope you both feel better soon! I love the rich colors of this outfit, the burgundy dress looks fantastic with the black OTK boots and plush leopard coat!

    Luci’s Morsels | fashion. food. frivolity.

  14. We are all sick over here and it's just not fun. Seeing my babies sick it's just the worst....Hope you feel better quickly!


  15. Aww poor Nolan, hope he is better now. I love Bourdeaux for all seasons and all reasons. We have been on the same wave-length style-wise lately, Elise. First our layered Buffalo Plaid shirts and later both wearing burgundy (I did just that in my latest post). I wish you and your family a wonderful week before Christmas and welcome by Thursday to link up!

    <3 Ada.

  16. Burgundy and leopard really makes a beautiful combination. And you paired it perfectly with those gorgeous earrings dear. Such a pretty look!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  17. How fun to get to see the Nutcracker!!
    Here's hoping Nolan feels better and what a gorgeous outfit, Elise!!

  18. Love your outfit and all of your photos girl! That jacket is sooo cute!




  19. You look amazing in these photos! I would like to know your opinion about this http://nuderetouching.com/blog/editing-techniques/pin-up-retouching-tips-hot-juicy.html
    Because your photos are simply gorgeous!

  20. Being sick no fun! Hope he feels better! You look lovely as ever though ;-)


  21. Click and find out more about the store's website!There are many beautiful dresses.glamchase floral bridesmaid dresses uk reviews You will love it!

  22. Absolutely love your coat!!
    Mónica Sors

  23. Nice coat. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  24. Sorry to hear you and Nolan have been feeling ill. Hope you're both feeling better now. I love your OTK boots and leopard print coat! Thanks for linking up! Merry Christmas :-)

    Emma xxx
