
Pastels and Lace

Thursday, March 29, 2018 3:30 AM
Happy Thursday!  Does anyone else feel like this week has been crawling by?  I think we are out of the woods as far as snow and the temps are finally getting a littler warmer, HOORAY!    I have been a little MIA recently, I apologize. The weather coupled with a crazy schedule, S&S has taken a little bit...

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Last Minute Easter Looks

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 3:30 AM
Good Morning!  Pastels and Spring patterns have been in full force, unfortunately if you live in the Northeast  we haven't been able to break out our Spring best because we have been having a record breaking cold March.  With Easter coming up this Sunday, I thought I would round up some last minute Easter pieces. xx, Elise  top...

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Pop of Green for St. Pat!

Thursday, March 15, 2018 3:30 AM
Happy Thursday!  Guys, I am already so over this walking cast. It's bulky, and ugly, and ugh! I am also over the fresh two feet of snow that we just got, and guess what? Another NorEaster is expected next week.  IT'S MID MARCH, this is MADNESS! Friday night I have a Circle of Hope fundraiser, and of course...

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Wintery Mint

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 3:30 AM
Happy Tuesday! If you follow my insta stories, you know that I have landed myself in a walking cast due to the fall I took 8 weeks ago. You may remember me telling you that I slipped and fell at a restaurant and laughed until I cried.  I never really stopped any activity, continued to dance on it...

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Hot Pink

Winter is Not Over

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 3:30 AM
Hey Ladies!  I have been a little M.I.A. recently, and I apologize, life has just gotten in the way.  So for the most part we had a super mild winter and I was psyched, but it seems that now as we should be transitioning into Spring, winter wants to show up.  Boo!  I finally broke my shopping ban,...

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