
2016 Favorites

Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:30 AM
Good Morning Lovelies!  Can you believe that we only have two more days of 2016? 2016 has been difficult for some and I would be lying if I said it weren't for me as well, but I had some amazing moments too. With many instances of illness, death and closure, I am also so happy for new friendships,...

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Holiday Traditions

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 4:30 AM
It is officially the week of Christmas and I couldn't be more excited!  So Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate Christmas and Happy Hanukah to those who celebrate Hanukah.  Due to circumstances beyond my control I will only have one post this week.  Actually my posts may be few and far between over the next few...

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Fun Holiday Festivities

Thursday, December 15, 2016 4:30 AM
 Good Morning!   One of the most fun things about the holiday season is certainly all of the fun festivities going on.  Here in Boston it is almost impossible to be bored at this time of year.  So take some time off from shopping, wrapping and holiday parties and get out and see what your town or city has...

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Holiday Gift Guide (and maybe wish list)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 6:30 AM
Good morning lovelies!  Can you believe next week is Christmas?  I do love this time of year, but I know in previous posts that I written about  the stresses of shopping and hectic schedules. Apparently that stress kicked my butt into high gear. With the exception of work colleagues gifts, I am done and wrapped! I know, I...

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Holiday look with CaseApp

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 4:30 AM
Good Wednesday morning!!  I am so fortunate to work with CaseApp again!  I look at my phone case as accessory. I love to have it match outfits, or whatever season that I am currently in (see my Summer case here)   If you don't know, CaseApp is a website that makes it so easy to make custom iphone...

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