
Shamrock Ball with StickerApp

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 7:30 AM

Good Tuesday morning!! 

If you are a regular S&S reader, you know one of my favorite collaborations has been with CaseApp, I was so pleased when they contacted me for a collaboration with StickerApp.  Similar to CaseApp where you can make customize phone cases and laptop skins, with StickerApp you can choose from hundreds of graphics or create your own for whatever occasion you may have coming up. 

The Shamrock Ball is a father daughter dance to raise funds for HYSA, Holliston Youth Soccer Association.  After many years of running this event, my beautiful sister in law,
Lauren Ward became co-chair with Melissa Roy and Erica Foster. As planners, they coordinated all details including soliciting raffle prizes, food, candy, vendors as well as organizing a team of volunteers to staff this big event. This fundraiser helps HYSA maintain the town fields and funding the youth soccer program for both boys and girls. 
Erica's cousin, the wonderfully talented Heather Ackerman, a graphic designer located in the south shore of Massachusetts designed a beautiful logo for this years ball.  Heather's logo was used throughout the ball in order to give it a more unified look. Check out her etsy store here!  I decided to use Heather's logo to make stickers for the annual Shamrock Ball.  The ball is almost fully run on donations from local business, and what better way to help support my niece, sister in law and youth soccer than to donate some perfectly designed and printed stickers for this fun occasion. I knew I could rely on StickerApp to create a top notch product with super fast delivery.

With pizza, a full dessert bar, candy bar, ice cream, glitter tattoos, an appearance by Frozen's Elsa, selfie station, dad and daughter photos, raffle, DJ and dancing, it was a very special night with a record breaking dance of over 325 fathers and daughters!   

 xx, Elise

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  1. What a cute party!! Stickerapp is so cool.

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  2. What a fun and festive party! Hope you're having a great day beautiful!

  3. The stickers came out so good! Stickerapp is awesome. Looks the dance was a great time!
    Beautifully Candid

  4. The cake and the cupcakes look so yummy :)
    Great way to celebrate St. Patrick's


  5. What a special event! Seeing all those sweet treats have definitely tempted me! I had better get dinner going ;)


  6. That is so awesome! I have never heard of StickerApp before. Will definitely have to check them out.

    Lydia | chicandmodish.com

  7. Love the décor!

  8. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Looks like you had fun!
