Guess what tomorrow is? Friday AND the first day of March! Woo hoo, we made it through February!! When you are from New England or any other cold part of the country it is almost a must to try and go some place warm in the winter months. The best part of getting away to a warm climate...
Happy Tuesday!! It is Tuesday, right? I am still in vacation mode, it is so hard to reenter reality. If you know me, or are an avid reader of S&S, you know I love me some accessories, especially Sunglasses and watches. I personally believe that they really finish a look, or take it the extra mile. When MVMT...
Happy Valentines Day! I hope you are all enjoying time with loved ones today. We are leaving for Florida at 7 am tomorrow, I am up to my ears in packing , so it is pretty low key for us. I can not wait to be in the warm weather, and thankfully it is supposed to be beautiful!...
Hey Dolls! Over the weekend I had the pleasure of getting together with some amazing Boston bloggers at a Galantine's party hosted by Bloggers Live Boston. It is so amazing being part of a group and community where women are really supporting and lifting up other women. I have made such wonderful connections with these ladies. We all...
Happy Friday Eve! The weather has been mild, I and excited about my weekend, and next week at this time, I'll be heading to FL for a week! Woo hoo!! Valentine's Day is next week and sometimes it is fun to be in the spirit of a holiday with just a pop of color. When I first got these...